Sheshunoff & Co. Investment Banking Professionals have assisted in numerous bank capital structure projects and recapitalizations for institutions of all sizes throughout the country.


Our experienced professionals can help you price, plan and structure your capital needs. Whether it’s pricing a family-owned community bank private placement or structuring a metropolitan commercial bank capital plan, we believe that creative and strategic planning can enhance shareholder value.

The term “Capital is King” has never been more true than in today’s regulatory environment. Many bankers throughout the country are searching for additional capital to take advantage of acquisition opportunities, as well as simply to comply with new capital requirements.

Bank Stock Valuation

Because of our experience in bank appraisals and commercial bank valuation, Sheshunoff & Co. Investment Banking can assist your organization in:

  • Planning your capital needs in a way that maximizes shareholder value
  • Evaluating the effects of various strategies on net operating losses and other tax issues
  • Structuring and pricing the various components
  • Providing a fairness opinion to the board

Should you be seeking advice in this area, call us for a confidential discussion of your particular needs.